The Saber and Scroll Journal Volume 9, Number 3, Winter 2020 | Page 82

The Saber and Scroll
con este evento , el general George Washington enfrentó la mayor amenaza para la Revolución Americana : un ejército descontento y algunos de los oficiales superiores conspirando contra el Congreso Continental .
Palabras clave : Revolución Americana , Trece Colonias , Estados Unidos , Congreso Continental , Ejército Continental , motín , George Washington , Discurso de Newburgh
为什么华盛顿十分重要 : 上将乔治 · 华盛顿如何挽救了美国革命
1783 年 1 月 6 日 , 彼时驻扎在纽约州纽堡的三名高级军官来到 费城 , 给大陆会议 ( Continental Congress ) 带来一个可怕的警 告 。 这三名军官分别是纽约州上将 Alexander McDougal 、 新 泽西州上校 Matthias Ogden 和马萨诸塞州上校 John Brooks 。 他 们给会议成员的警告是 , 纽堡大陆军快要发生兵变 。 会议并 未立刻明白如何会出现这一情况 , 但美国新建立的独立在 8 年战争之后有丢失的危险 。 在应对这次事件中 , 上将乔治 · 华 盛顿面临了美国革命的最大威胁 : 一支不满的军队和策划反 对大陆会议的部分高级军官 。
关键词 : 美国革命 , 13 个殖民地 , 美国 , 大陆会议 ( Continental Congress ), 大陆军 , 兵变 , 乔治 · 华盛顿 , 纽堡演说

It is usually taught , erroneously ,

that the Revolutionary War ended in October 1781 at Yorktown after General Cornwallis surrendered to the US and French forces under the command of General George Washington . Although the British did surrender at Yorktown , they still occupied Wilmington , North Carolina , Charleston , South Carolina , Savannah , Georgia , New York , and a sizeable portion of Maine .
The British Navy , while it was defeated at the Battle of the Capes during the Yorktown campaign , was still dominant against what remained of the Continental Navy , as it was known as the mistress of the ocean .
The British were far from beaten , and the commander-in-chief of the Continental Army , General Washington , understood this better than anyone else . He feared that the US effort would