The Saber and Scroll Journal Volume 9, Number 3, Winter 2020 | Page 81

Why Washington Matters : How General George Washington Saved the American Revolution

Why Washington Matters : How General George Washington Saved the American Revolution

Joseph Frusci , EdD Northeastern University
The Saber and Scroll Journal • Volume 9 , Number 3 • Winter 2020
On January 6 , 1783 , three senior officers , then stationed at Newburgh , New York , arrived in Philadelphia with a dire warning for the Continental Congress . The officers were General Alexander McDougal from New York , Colonel Matthias Ogden from New Jersey , and Colonel John Brooks from Massachusetts . Their warning to the members of Congress was that the Continental Army at Newburgh was on the verge of mutiny . Congress did not immediately understand how this could have happened , but America ’ s newfound independence was in danger of being lost after eight long years of warfare . In dealing with this event , General George Washington faced the greatest threat to the American Revolution : a disgruntled army and some of the senior officers plotting against the Continental Congress .
Keywords : American Revolution , Thirteen Colonies , United States , Continental Congress , Continental Army , mutiny , George Washington , Newburgh Address
Por qué es importante Washington : Cómo el General George Washington salvó la Revolución Americana
El 6 de enero de 1783 , tres oficiales superiores , entonces apostados en Newburgh , Nueva York , llegaron a Filadelfia con una terrible advertencia para el Congreso Continental . Los oficiales eran el general Alexander McDougal de Nueva York , el coronel Matthias Ogden de Nueva Jersey y el coronel John Brooks de Massachusetts . Su advertencia a los miembros del Congreso fue que el Ejército Continental en Newburgh estaba al borde del motín . El Congreso no entendió de inmediato cómo pudo haber sucedido esto , pero la recién descubierta independencia de Estados Unidos estaba en peligro de perderse después de ocho largos años de guerra . Al lidiar
77 doi : 10.18278 / sshj . 9.3.5