The Saber and Scroll Journal Volume 9, Number 3, Winter 2020 | Page 232

10 . We encourage authors to incorporate at least one , but no more than five , images into with their articles . Images might be photographs , paintings , illustrations , or maps
11 . However , images must be of the author ' s creation or in the public domain . Smithsonian Open Access ( https :// www . si . edu / openaccess ) is an excellent source .
12 . A caption and source information must accompany every image . Ex : " Phineas Taylor Barnum , July 5 , 1810 – April 7 , 1891 , photographed by Matthew Brady . National Portrait Gallery NPG . 97.63 ."
13 . Our publisher prints the Journal using black text and grayscale images . Images should be approximately 300 dpi resolution .
14 . SSHJ reserves the right to publish articles without any of the supplied images , substitute images that do not meet the minimum standards , or limit the number of images in an article or an issue because of space limitations .
To request additional information or submit complete articles for publication , email the Editor-in-Chief at EICSaberandScroll @ apus . edu .