The Saber and Scroll Journal Volume 9, Number 3, Winter 2020 | Page 178

The Saber and Scroll
Palabras clave : 32a División de Infantería , Buna , MacArthur , Eichelberger , Driniumor River , Krueger , Port Moresby , Decimoctavo Ejército Japonés , Sexto Ejército de EE . UU .
战争中的一个师 — 第一部分
关于二战期间太平洋地区陆战的探讨经常忽略由几个杰出美 国陆军步兵师所作的贡献 。 美国陆军第 32 步兵师就是其中一 个 。 比起其他美军部队 , 第 32 步兵师在太平洋地区的战斗时 间最长 。 1942 年 9 月 , 第 32 步兵师在新几内亚东南海岸的布纳 镇经历了战火洗礼 。 血腥的两个月战斗后 , 毫无准备的 、 经 验不足的第 32 步兵师取得了胜利 。 该师于 1944 年返回到新几 内亚北部海岸的艾塔佩参战 , 在这之后又在德林乌莫尔河上 进行了另一场疲劳战 。 尽管取得了胜利 , 第 32 步兵师于 1944 年秋季离开新几内亚 , 精疲力竭地前往菲律宾 。
关键词 : 美国陆军第 32 步兵师 , 布纳 ( Buna ), 麦克阿瑟 , 艾克尔伯格 , 德林乌莫尔河 ( Driniumor River ), 克鲁格 , 莫尔兹比港 , 日本第 18 军 , 美国第 6 集团军

The American Army and Marine

Corps each had many famous divisions during the Second World War . In Europe , the 82nd and 101st Airborne Divisions , the 1st and 2nd Armored Divisions , and the 1st Infantry Division achieved legendary status . In the Pacific , most of the fame belongs to the Marine divisions that fought across the Central Pacific . The Army and its contribution are almost forgotten . In a part of the war known as the Southwest Pacific Area ( SWPA ), the Army did the fighting and though seemingly devoid of accolades , several of its divisions experienced this war from beginning to end and fought gallantly throughout , despite doing so in the most deplorable battlefield conditions possible . One such division was the 32nd Infantry Division . They fought in every major campaign of the SWPA , from Buna to Luzon and stood ready to join in the war ’ s biggest operation , the invasion of Japan . It was not an easy war for the 32nd . Thrust into their first battle at Buna unprepared and ordered to the Driniumor River undermanned and to Luzon exhausted , they fought on and saw more combat than any American unit in the Pacific .