The Saber and Scroll Journal Volume 9, Number 3, Winter 2020 | Page 163

Into the Maelstrom : America and Vietnam , 1945 – 1956
Van De Mark , Brian . Road to Disaster : A New History of America ’ s Descent into Vietnam . New York : Harper / Collins , 2018 .
Young , Marilyn B . The Vietnam Wars , 1945 – 1990 . New York : Harper Perennial , 1991 .
Zinn , Howard . A People ’ s History of the United States : 1942 - Present . New York : Routledge , 2013 .
———. The Twentieth Century . New York : Harper / Collins , 2003 .
1 Robert Mann . A Grand Delusion : America ’ s Descent into Vietnam . ( New York : Perseus Books , 2001 ), Inside Front cover .
2 Ibid . 2 3 Source : https :// en . wikipedia . org / wiki / Ho _ Chi _ Minh
4 Mark N . Katz . “ The Origins of the Vietnam War 1945-1948 .” The Review of Politics 42 , no . 2 ( 1980 ): 131-51 . www . Jstor . org / stable / 1406989 . Accessed July 20 , 2020 .
5 Source : ARC Identifier : 542189 Item from Record Group 342 : Records of U . S . Air Force Commands , Activities , and Organizations , 1900 – 2000 .
6 Source : U . S . Army ( according to Air Force Magazine ( May , 2020 ), p . 56 ) - Stewart , Richard W . ( 2012 ), Deepening Involvement 1945-1965 , Center of Military History , United States Army .
7 Source : https :// www . nationalww2museum . org / war / articles / oss-vietnam-1945-dixee-bartholo mew-feis .
8 Bill Bigelow . “ Camouflaging the Vietnam War : How Textbooks Continue to Keep the Pentagon Papers a Secret . Zinn Educational Project . https :// www . zinnedproject . org / if-we-knew-our-histo ry / camouflaging-the-vietnam-war /. Accessed July 10 , 2020 .
9 Ho Chi Minh , Selected Works , Volume 3 ( Hanoi : Foreign Languages Publishing House , 1960 – 1962 ), 17-21 .
10 Ibid . 11 Source : https :// www . zinnedproject . org / news / tdih / vietnam-declared-independence . 12 Mann , 723 .
13 Foster Rhea Dulles and Gerald E . Ridinger . “ Policies of Franklin D . Roosevelt .” Political Science Quarterly Vol . 70 , No . 1 ( Mar ., 1955 ), 6 .