The Saber and Scroll Journal Volume 9, Number 3, Winter 2020 | Page 154

The Saber and Scroll
Palabras clave : Vietnam , Ho Chi Minh , Francia , Japón , Dien Bien Phu , Comunismo , OSS , Viet Minh , Teoría del dominó
进入大混乱 : 1945-1956 年的美国和越南
1945 年 , 美国开始参与越南事务 — 这一参与延续了 30 年 之久 , 并最终导致超过 55,000 名美国军人死亡 , 以及 2,000,000 名越南军人死亡 。 这次参与是悲惨的 , 可避免 的 。 从富兰克林 · D · 罗斯福政府开始 , 再到杜鲁门 、 艾森 豪威尔 、 肯尼迪 、 约翰逊 、 尼克森政府 , 美国的行动源于一 个错误印象 , 即对东南亚地区的共产主义进行压迫对美国的 安全而言至关重要 。 越南战争是一场内战 , 还是美国 、 俄罗 斯和中国之间的一次代理人战争 ? 又或者 , 是越南人民决定 摆脱外国统治的一次战争 ?
关键词 : 越南 , 胡志明 , 法国 , 日本 , 奠边府 , 共产主 义 , OSS , 越盟 , 多米诺理论

It has been 45 years since Saigon fell ,

ending American involvement in the Vietnam War . “ Decades after the first U . S . soldier set foot in Saigon , the Vietnam War remains one of the most tragic and unresolved events in American history and foreign policy .” 1
The United States could have avoided the Vietnam conflict , but Presidents Truman and Eisenhower , and later Kennedy , Johnson , and Nixon , along with Senators and Congressmen , had divorced themselves from losing ground to Communism . The theory that suppression of a communist takeover of Vietnam was vital to United States security became policy . From the beginning of America ’ s involvement until its final withdrawal in 1975 , America ’ s “ political , military , and diplomatic leaders deluded themselves , accepting a series of myths and illusions about Vietnam that exacerbated and deepened the ultimate catastrophe .” 2 Today millions of people in both Vietnam and the United States suffer from the quarter-century war that shattered both countries social and political fabric . The Vietnam War still impacts our elections as well as our foreign and defense policies . 3
Although there are many books about America ’ s involvement in Vietnam , there is still no explicit agreement about the character of the war or its roots . What was ( or were ) the origin ( s ) of the conflict ? Was it a civil war , or was it the Vietnamese people ’ s resistance against the domination of foreign pow-