The Saber and Scroll Journal Volume 9, Number 3, Winter 2020 | Page 137

The Continental Navy ’ s Shakedown Cruise
The Saber and Scroll Journal • Volume 9 , Number 3 • Winter 2020

The Continental Navy ’ s Shakedown Cruise

Michael Romero
America Public University Colonial Williamsburg Foundation
Eight ships of the recently established Continental Navy set sail from Philadelphia in February 1776 . They were under orders from the Continental Congress to clear the Southern states ’ waters of marauding British naval forces , such as those organized by Lord Dunmore of Virginia . Instead , Commodore Esek Hopkins led his squadron to New Providence in the Bahamas , where they captured desperately needed military stores . On the return trip , the Continental crews contended with outbreaks of smallpox and tropical fever aboard ship . Approaching New England , the squadron captured two small British vessels and chased the 20-gun HMS Glasgow into port . Despite Hopkins ’ casual disregard of orders , Congress and the general public hailed the expedition as a great success upon the squadron ’ s return in April 1776 . The ships of the Continental Navy had gathered valuable experience at sea and in combat that would serve the infant service well in the years to come .
Keywords : American Revolution , Continental Navy , New Providence , HMS Glasgow , Esek Hopkins , John Paul Jones , Nicholas Biddle , Samuel Nicholas , naval warfare , eighteenth century
El crucero Shakedown de la Marina Continental
Ocho barcos de la Marina Continental recientemente establecida zarparon de Filadelfia en febrero de 1776 . Estaban bajo las órdenes del Congreso Continental de limpiar las aguas de los estados del sur de las fuerzas navales británicas merodeadores , como las organizadas por Lord Dunmore de Virginia . En cambio , el comodoro Esek Hopkins llevó a su escuadrón a New Providence en las Bahamas , donde capturaron provisiones militares que se necesitaban desesperadamente . En el viaje de regreso , las tripulaciones de Continental se enfrentaron a brotes de viruela y fiebre tropical a bordo del barco . Al acercarse a Nueva Inglaterra , el escuadrón capturó dos pequeños buques británicos y persiguió al HMS Glasgow
133 doi : 10.18278 / sshj . 9.3.8