The Saber and Scroll Journal Volume 9, Number 3, Winter 2020 | Page 135

America at War : The Common Cup
6 Jon Grinspan , “ War , Peace , & Coffee .” http :// www . kitchensisters . org / hidden-kitchens / war-and-peace-and-coffee /.
7 John D . Billings , Hardtack & Coffee ( Chicago : The Lakeside Press , 1960 ), 123 . 8 http :// images . indianahistory . org / cdm / singleitem / collection / dc008 / id / 576 / rec / 2379 9 Ibid . 10 Ibid ., 130 .
11 Emil & Ruth Rosenblatt , ed ., Hard Marching Every Day : The Civil War letters of Private Wilber Fisk-1861 – 1865 ( Lawrence , KS : University Press of Kansas , 1992 ), 119 – 20 .
12 Ibid ., 156 – 57 . 13 Grinspan 14 Webb 15 https :// www . asymca . org / coffee-wagon . 16 Ibid .
17 The Kitchen Sisters , “ If War Is Hell , Then Coffee Has Offered U . S . Soldiers Some Salvation ,” NPR , July 25 , 2016 . https :// www . npr . org / sections / thesalt / 2016 / 07 / 25 / 485227943 / if-war-is-hell-then-coffee-has-offered-u-s-soldiers-some-salvation .
18 Rachel Williams , “ The United States Sanitary and Christian Commissions and the Union War Effort ,” National Museum of Civil War Medicine , May 25 , 2017 . https :// www . civilwarmed . org / commissions /
19 Armed services YMCA , “ The Coffee Wagon ,” reprinted from The Annals of the Christian Commission , https :// www . asymca . org / coffee-wagon .
20 Logan Metesh , “‘ Coffee Mill ’ Sharp ’ s Carbine – The Original Guns and Coffee ,” The Truth About Guns , April 19 , 2018 . https :// www . thetruthaboutguns . com / coffee-millsharps-carbine-the-original-guns-and-coffee /.
21 Chris Eger , “ The ‘ Coffee Grinder ’ Sharps Carbine with a Mill Right in the Stock ,” February 5 , 2016 . https :// www . guns . com / news / 2016 / 02 / 05 / the-coffee-grinder-sharps-car bine-with-a-mill-right-in-the-stock-10-photos
22 Webb . 23 Ibid . 24 Grinspan .