The Saber and Scroll Journal Volume 9, Number 3, Winter 2020 | Page 166

The Saber and Scroll
sión Edward “ Ned ” Almond , General de División Oliver Smith , Ejército de Voluntarios del Pueblo
长津湖战役 : 让战争停止的一次战役
朝鲜战争的开端表明了超级大国对意识形态主导的追求 , 伴 随着多个因素 ( 为大范围冲突奠定基础 ) 。 朝鲜军力迅速战 胜了韩国 。 美国进入这场战争 , 逆转了朝鲜优势并将其驱逐 到与中国交界处 。 北约军并不知道中国军队的加入 , 后者被 动员在长津湖拦截联盟军 。 除了在数量上占优 , 美军还成功 撤离战场并挽救了在朝鲜境内的大多数人员 。 朝鲜和中国军 队的合作赢得了一场让交战双方都陷入僵局的惨胜 。
关键词 : 长津湖 , 长津精英 , 朝鲜战争 , 冷战 , 1950 , 上将 道格拉斯 · 麦克阿瑟 , 少将爱德华 ·“ 奈德 ”· 阿尔蒙德 ( Edward “ Ned ” Almond ), 少将奧利弗 · 史密斯 ( Oliver Smith ), 中国人民志愿军

The Korean War was the initial

culmination of the geopolitical and ideological struggle for dominance at the onset of the Cold War . The two superpowers sought to support their ideological platforms , but the concept of Nuclear War , or World War Three , prevented a direct confrontation . The Korean Peninsula provided multiple nations with an opportunity to prevent the spread of an opposing political system on a neutral stage . All major powers rose to bring their influence to bear , culminating in the Battle of the Chosin Reservoir . That confrontation became inevitable and the results of the battle left both sides in a stalemate that neither could recover from without risking all-out global war . In the end , the Chosin Reservoir was the climax of a war that stalled efforts on both sides to secure a total victory .
The Korean Peninsula became a political stage for the world powers to flex their respective ideologies . Like all stages , this one has a number of actors that had their own motivations behind their support that played a factor in the decisions leading up to the Battle of the Chosin Reservoir . These motivations show how the confrontation between US and Chinese forces became inevitable . It all begins with the end of the Second World War .