The Saber and Scroll Journal Volume 9, Number 2, Fall 2020 | Page 3

The Saber and Scroll Journal Volume 9 , Number 2 • Fall ( Sept .) 2020 © 2020 Policy Studies Organization
Welcome Letter ...................................................................................................... 1 Lew Taylor
Letters to the Editor .............................................................................................. 3 Chris Schloemer , Senior Editor
Mair Thomas : Life at Bletchley Park .................................................................... 7 Gina Pittington
Lincoln and the Constitution ............................................................................. 23 Eric Balkan
America ’ s Forgotten Patriot : Mercy Otis Warren and the Writings that Fanned the Flames of Revolution ............................................................... 43
Lew Taylor
Johan Thuri : A Voice for the Sami , the Indigenous People of Northern Scandinavia ................................................................................... 69
Susan Danielsson
Mamie Till Mobley : The Unsung Hero of the Civil Rights Movement ............ 87 Deanna Simmons
The Making of the Modern Woman : British Suffragettes in the Late Nineteenth and Early Twentieth Century ..................................... 101
Sarah Weiler
Book Review : Admiral James Stavridis ’ s Sailing True North : Ten Admirals and the Voyage of Character ...................................................... 117
Michael Romero
Book Review : Woody Holton ’ s Forced Founders : Indians , Debtors , Slaves , and the Making of the American Revolution in Virginia ................................. 121
Matt Brent Cont ’ d .