The Saber and Scroll Journal Volume 8, Number 3, Spring 2020 | Page 75

and Scroll d eventually and confirmed what the troops they [prisoners] were gassed.” the Soviet War Effort, 1941-1945 (New York: . Martin Zwinkler, trans. Olga Reznik (Cre- , 2016), 14–31. ewish Resistance, “Treblinka Death Camp al Museum, accessed June 2, 2019, https:// -for-advanced-holocaust-studies/miles- -resistance/medals-of-resistance-award/ Jewish prisoners, calling themselves the ‘Oring and mass escape. Composed mainly of mmittee included over time former Polish elder’ Marceli Galewski, former Czech army d, kapo at the camp’s ‘hospital,’ and Jankiel xtermination area.” vanston, IL: Northwestern University Press, m History, Part 5: The Road to Treblinka,” 2019, r Uprising,” National WWII Museum - New ncise History of the Holocaust, 3rd ed. (Laners, Inc., 2016), 248–50. An SS man named on-B that was to be shipped from Bełżec to e also got word out through some connecto no avail: no help came. After the war, he ; he died in prison in 1945. nts Horrors of Auschwitz Liberation,” Times s Recall the Auschwitz that Was,” New York hat-was.html. 4