The Saber and Scroll Journal Volume 8, Number 3, Spring 2020 | Page 55

and Scroll 4 the tailors’ workshop, Alexander Shubayev, one of Pechersky’s fellow soldiers, dispatched Johann Niemann, the SS deputy commandant, with an ax-blow to the head. His body was pushed under a bed. A second Nazi followed fifteen minutes later. He, too, was slain. Shortly thereafter, Lerner and Arkady Wajspapir finished off Siegfried Graetschus, who directed Sobibor’s Ukrainian contingent. Another Nazi succumbed while he looked at a pair of boots. In all, about a dozen SS met their end through these ruses. Runners kept everyone informed of the progress made .... Just before 4:30, the insurgents cut the telegraph and telephone cables, preventing the remaining Germans from notifying their superiors .... When the Kapo called everyone to line up for roll-call near the front of the camp, no SS men showed up. Then, the inmates realized what was at hand and became restless ... scores of Jewish prisoners surged toward the front gate. German and Ukrainian fire claimed many of them before they could get to it. The Soviets, including Pechersky, and those who had hidden arms shot back. Some frantically cut through the barbed wire. Others, far more desperate, climbed the fence and took their chances with the mines the Germans had planted outside the wire. After getting through the fence, Pechersky recalled, he ran across