The Saber and Scroll Journal Volume 8, Number 3, Spring 2020 | Page 39

Soviet Russia ’ s Reaction to the Nazi Holocaust and the Implications of the Suppression of Jewish Suffering
24 Mykola Karpenko , interview for Radio Free Europe / Radio Liberty , January 27 , 2015 , https :// www . rferl . org / a / ukraine-world-war-two-auschwitz-soviet-army / 26816158 . html .
25 Marchand , “ Soviet Veteran Recounts Horrors of Auschwitz Liberation .”
26 Laurence Rees , “ Raped by Their Saviours : How the Survivors of Auschwitz Escaped One Nightmare Only to Face Another Unimaginable Ordeal ,” Daily Mail , February 2 , 2010 , https :// www . dailymail . co . uk / news / article-1247157 / How-survivors-Auschwitzescaped-nightmare-faced-unimaginable-ordeal . html .
27 Ishaan Tharoor , “ What a Soviet Soldier Saw When His Unit Liberated Auschwitz 70 Years Ago ,” The Washington Post , January 27 , 2015 , https :// www . washingtonpost . com / news / worldviews / wp / 2015 / 01 / 27 / what-a-soviet-soldier-saw-when-his-unitliberated-auschwitz-70-years-ago /? utm _ term =. 50d1ef9f9b40 .
28 Rees , “ Raped by Their Saviours .”
29 Gerhard L . Weinberg , A World at Arms : A Global History of World War II , 2nd ed . ( Cambridge : University Press , 2005 ), 834 .
30 Leonid Trofimov , “ Soviet Reporters at the Nuremberg Trial : Agenda , Attitude , and Encounters , 1945 – 46 ,” Critical History Review 28 , no . 2 ( Winter 2010 ): 49 , https :// www . academia . edu / 12799501 / Soviet _ Reporters _ at _ the _ Nuremberg _ Trials _ Agendas _ Attitudes _ and _ Encounters _ 1945-46 .
31 Ibid ., 49 – 50 . Joseph Stalin argued that “ fascism was the offshoot of the profound economic crisis of the capitalist system , an indication that “ the ruling classes in the capitalist countries are . [ ... ] zealously destroying or nullifying the last vestiges of parliamentarianism and bourgeois democracy [ ... ] and resorting to openly terrorist methods of maintaining their dictatorship . Soviet court officials in Nuremberg echoed this view when they proclaimed to Robert Jackson that ‘ Nazism was the child of capitalism .’”
32 Ibid . 33 Ibid ., 51 .
34 Anshel Pfeffer , “ The Polish Were Once Victims of Historical Whitewashing , Now They Are Doing the Same ,” Haaretz , January 28 , 2018 , https :// www . haaretz . com / israel-news / polish-victims-of-the-whitewashing-of-history-are-now-the-perpetrators-1.5767939 .
35 Ola Hnatiuk , “ How the Soviet Union Suppressed the Holocaust to Fight ‘ Nationalism ,’” The Odessa Review , November 16 , 2017 , http :// odessareview . com / soviet-unionsuppressed-holocaust-fight-nationalism /. Following the war , Soviet authorities “ took up the task of ‘ cleansing ’ society of ‘ suspicious ’ elements . The authorities and secret police conducted systematic and meticulous investigations of the activities of their citizens during the occupation . Those imprisoned by the Nazis had to pass through filtration camp designed by the NKVD ( Soviet secret police ) before repatriation to the USSR .”