The Saber and Scroll Journal Volume 8, Number 3, Spring 2020 | Page 38

The Saber and Scroll
water for shower ...” An officer came around eventually and confirmed what the troops had feared , informing them , “ That ’ s where they [ prisoners ] were gassed .”
12 Grossman , A Writer at War , 280 – 81 .
13 Richard Overy , Russia ’ s War : A History of the Soviet War Effort , 1941-1945 ( New York : Penguin Books , 1998 ), 260 – 61 .
14 Vasily Grossman , The Hell of Treblinka , ed . Martin Zwinkler , trans . Olga Reznik ( CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform , 2016 ), 14 – 31 .
15 Miles Lerman Center for the Study of Jewish Resistance , “ Treblinka Death Camp Revolt ,” United States Holocaust Memorial Museum , accessed June 2 , 2019 , https :// www . ushmm . org / research / the-center-for-advanced-holocaust-studies / mileslerman-center-for-the-study-of-jewish-resistance / medals-of-resistance-award / treblinka-death-camp-revolt . “ A group of Jewish prisoners , calling themselves the ‘ Organizing Committee ,’ [ planned ] an uprising and mass escape . Composed mainly of the camp ’ s prisoner functionaries , the Committee included over time former Polish army officer Dr . Julian Chorazycki , ‘ camp elder ’ Marceli Galewski , former Czech army officer Zelo Bloch , as well as Zev Kurland , kapo at the camp ’ s ‘ hospital ,’ and Jankiel Wiernik , a carpenter who worked in the extermination area .”
16 Richard Glazar , Trap with a Green Fence ( Evanston , IL : Northwestern University Press , 1999 ), 137 – 46 .
17 Grossman , A Writer at War , 305 – 06 .
18 DailyMotion , “ The Nazis , A Warning from History , Part 5 : The Road to Treblinka ,” last modified in 2012 , accessed April 6 , 2019 , https :// www . dailymotion . com / video / xq34vw .
19 Jason Dawsey , “ Remembering the Sobibor Uprising ,” National WWII Museum - New Orleans , last updated November 14 , 2018 , https :// www . nationalww2museum . org / war / articles / remembering-sobibor-uprising .
20 Ibid .
21 Doris L . Bergen , War and Genocide : A Concise History of the Holocaust , 3rd ed . ( Lanham , MD : Rowman and Littlefield Publishers , Inc ., 2016 ), 248 – 50 . An SS man named Kurt Gerstein attempted to sabotage Zyklon-B that was to be shipped from Bełżec to Auschwitz ; he was partially successful . He also got word out through some connections about the suffering of the Jews , but to no avail : no help came . After the war , he was arrested and charged with war crimes ; he died in prison in 1945 .
22 Thibault Marchand , “ Soviet Veteran Recounts Horrors of Auschwitz Liberation ,” Times of Israel , January 25 , 2015 , https :// www . timesofisrael . com / soviet-veteran-recountshorrors-of-auschwitz-liberation /.
23 Craig S . Smith , “ Liberators and Survivors Recall the Auschwitz that Was ,” New York Times , January 28 , 2005 , https :// www . nytimes . com / 2005 / 01 / 28 / world / europe / libera tors-and-survivors-recall-the-auschwitz-that-was . html .