The Saber and Scroll Journal Volume 8, Number 3, Spring 2020 | Page 137

: The Impacts of a Brainwashed litics in Eastern Germany 5 Hitler’s ideology, following his rise to control of Germany. The first membership growth came when the first leader of the Nazi Youth Party, Gustav Lenk, urged the party newspaper to publish a “calling” or a demand for service. 5 This publication, Volkischer Beobachter, was influential in convincing parents to allow their children to join and in showing children that their service was truly needed. The newspaper advertisement read: We demand that the National Socialist Youth, and all other young Germans, irrespective of class or occupation, between fourteen and eighteen years of age, whose hearts are affected by the suffering and hardships afflicting the Fatherland, and who later desire to join the ranks of the fighters against the Jewish enemy, the sole originator of our present shame and suffering, enter the Youth League of the NSDAP. 6 This calling soon sparked fire and motivation in the hearts and souls of young German boys and girls. These children felt that, after years of seeing their parents suffer due to economic decline and job loss, they would be able to make a difference, not only in their households, but also in the Third Reich. The early years of the Nazi Youth Party were paramount to the later success of the Hitler Youth. Following the growth of the party, Lenk published the first Nazi youth magazine, National Jungstrom. This new magazine failed, as it