The Saber and Scroll Journal Volume 8, Number 2, Winter 2019 | Page 81

w Disney and Warner Bros. Animation ans During the Great Depression , 标志着动画制作的黄金时华纳兄弟 — 实现了成功 , 并因到经济重创的美国人 , 而在这 。例如《 confidence 》、《三》 (Porky’s Spring Planting) , 还反映并抚慰了大萧条期间 。许多短片展现了无助英雄的 , 一些短片为成年人打趣粗俗揄其他动画、政治人物和新激烈竞争 — 同时华纳兄弟与环形象和童话故事时 — 这两大动通短片 , 为那些寻求短暂逃离易消化的娱乐。 尼 , 华纳兄弟 , 大萧条 , 动画林 · 德拉诺 · 罗斯福 , 娱乐 , 《三只小猪》妮老鼠 7 economy, but the decade marked the beginnings of the Golden Age of Animation. The two biggest powerhouses in animation were born during this decade —Disney and Warner Bros. The animated shorts flowing from these two companies were wildly popular with the American people, who were suffering through economic disaster and personal hardship. Through animated entertainment, these shorts reflected issues and emotions, acted as propaganda for President Franklin D. Roosevelt’s New Deal, and instilled hope for a more prosperous national future. Two major factors shaped the experiences of movie-watchers and the purposes of animation during the 1930s: film sound and the Great Depression. 3