The Saber and Scroll Journal Volume 8, Number 2, Winter 2019 | Page 36

The Aristotelian Philosophi The Effect on Isotta Nog 本文还将伊索塔的生活与希尔娜 · 德 · 皮桑的生活进行比较意大利文艺复兴期间成功撰写了 关键词 : 伊索塔 · 诺加罗拉 (I 文艺复兴 , 威尼斯 , 亚里士多德 Feminist historians herald Isotta Nogarola (1418–1466) as the first female humanist of the Italian Renaissance due to her vast epistolary exchange with prominent male humanists and claim her as the most learned female of the Italian Renaissance. 1 While some learned women in quattrocento Italy participated in Renaissance humanism by circulating their writings, which demonstrated they had a thorough knowledge of classical authors and their philosophies, the journey was not an easy one for those who wanted to study humanism as a career, remain unmarried, and live under Venetian rule; they had to contend with the dominant Aristotelian gender ideal that they be silent and submissive as wives and mothers or enter conventual life as a nun. Although Isotta enjoyed early success as a humanist scholar in Verona and Venice, she suddenly abandoned her secular humanist career for a life devoted to God in 1441, primarily because Venice’s Aristotelian conservative assessment of women pressured her to accept its dominant gender ideals, but also because, as a holy woman, combining her humanist views with Biblical wisdom was the only socially 1