The Saber and Scroll Journal Volume 1, Issue 1, April 2015 | Page 49
23. “Expédition du Mexique 1861-1867,” Histoire du, http:// php3?id_article=1201 (accessed July 6, 2011).
24. Stephen J. Valone, “‘Weakness Offers Temptation’: William H. Seward and the
Reassertion of the Monroe Doctrine,” Diplomatic History 4, no. 19 (Fall 1995), http:// (accessed July 14, 2011).
25. Stevenson, Maximilian In Mexico, 256.
26. Adams, W. H. Davenport, Franco-Prussian War: Its Causes, Incidents, and
Consequences, ed. H. M. Hozier (London: W. Mackenzie, 1872), http://
francoprussianwa00hozi#page/n7/mode/2up (accessed July 3, 2011).
27. Ibid., 161.
28. Andrew F. Rolle, The Lost Cause: the Confederate Exodus to Mexico (Norman, OK:
University of Oklahoma Press, 1965), 24.
29. Stevenson, 254.
30. Rolle, The Lost Cause, 110.