Due to the CTOT the aircraft must depart at 1024Z if this can not be achieved a new ETD ( estimated time departure ) should be send for a new departure slot . The standard taxi time to runway 24 is 00:14min . The pilot could only get a start-up approval when de pushback tug is connected and the aircraft is fully ready time minus or plus 5 minutes within the TSAT window .
As an Operational department we need to communicate more than else when it comes to these specified procedures , communication is vital ! Flight crew needs to be informed about any changes affecting their departure or off block time . We constantly need to monitor the systems for any changes . Passengers who are flying to a destination to meet a connecting flight need to be informed and if necessary rebooked . As a dispatcher you are the link between the flight-crew and the airport , gathering and spreading information is an important task . Working during these conditions is challenging and it keeps you sharp !
This was the monthly article again . I hope you enjoyed reading the explanation about the association with fog and aircraft slots and the operations we facing during the winter period .
Written By Sander Plokker ( Flight Dispatcher at AMS ) / amsdispatch Photos by Sander Plokker