Oh No ! It ’ s …

Phew ! It ’ s NOT the end ! It ’ s jus the end of this issue of The RuneScape Fanzine ! Thank Goodness !

No , but in all seriousness , I want to thank you for reading through the 1 st issue of this new Fanzine and taking the time and effort to

see if it ’ s for you or not !

Please do remember that this is the first ever issue and things are bound to only improve from now on !

I am hoping to do an issue per month or every 2 months ( possibly bumper issues ?) and I try to get as much into them as possible .

Hopefully you enjoyed this first issue and I can ’ t wait to see you again !

This is a fan publication and is not endorsed , approved or has anything to do with Jagex themselves , it is a fan publication for my love of RuneScape . Runescape 2013 copyright Jagex Game Studios .

Any Feedback ? Please Email : Hallamrunescape @ gmail . com