So , here we are , in month 6 of the year already ! That ’ s half a year almost gone ! ( WHAT ????!?!?) Anyway , that means it ’ s time for a new BEHIND THE SCENES post from Jagex and boy , have we got some great stuff coming this month ! Let ’ s take a look at the upcoming updates 1 by 1 ( I ’ ll also be giving my personal opinion )!
The Order of Ascension – MEMBERS ONLY
The Order os Ascension is going to be a new high level slayer dungeon ! It will revolve around the Ranged skill and will include monsters that require level 81 slayer to be killed ! Each of the monsters will use a form of magic to attack the player ! There is also going to be bosses that require level 95 slayer !
So this update to me sound awesome , I ’ m probably going to try it out at some point and take on these high level enemies and bosses !