The Royal Apollonia (issue 4, 2018) The Royal Apollonia (issue 4, 2018) | Page 40

N E W PROSPECT PU BLIC FAC E DISCOVERY of NEW GAS RESERVES ODD ONE OUT; Daring you to challenge the status quo Sparks Hope for Cyprus The discovery of new gas reserves in the Mediterranean Island Cyprus has opened up new prospects for the country with regards to the economy and trade of the island. L ocated in the Eastern Mediterranean, Cyprus has been struggling to find new ways of im- proving the economy by opening up new and diverse employment methods along with trading with other countries. It is a new form of industry which is gaining at- tention and investment from all over the world and makes the country a prospec- tive gas provider. Offshore gas reserves have been found which are estimated to be over 4trillion cubic feet, valued more than $50 billion. Companies like Qatar, Total, ExxonMo- bil and Eni acquired licenses to extract oil and gas from these areas on the south- ern coast of the island. This makes Cy- prus a potential energy provider for Eu- rope which would guarantee friendly ties between them and less dependence on Russia for supplies. U.S and European diplomats have shown interest and have decided to get involved in this exciting prospect that would resolve problems. The President of Cyprus has been holding talks with the goal of making the country better and more united over energy issues. Israel and Egypt are the top most countries that benefit from oil and gas reserves from Cyprus. The ener- gy crisis of Cyprus, Europe and of other countries that can benefit from the new- found reserves can be resolved faster and in a more efficient way if the matter is handled in a good way. Cyprus’ plans of maintaining peace after years of civil war will be boosted up due to this discovery. Employment opportunities will open up for the people of Cyprus and tourism will prevail along with trade with other countries. A period of economic stability THE GAS RESERVES ARE A NEW DISCOVERY THAT WILL ENABLE CYPRUS TO INVITE STAKEHOLDERS FROM OTHER COUNTRIES TO BUY AND USE THE GAS RESERVES WHICH IS BOUND TO BRING AN ECONOMIC BOOST TO GUARANTEED PROFITABLE TRADE. 40 NEW BOOK REVEALS THE IMPORTANCE OF GOING AGAINST THE SOCIAL NORMS О dd One Out is a new book by acclaimed author Paul Lambis that encourages its readers to escape all judgements and discrimination, and learn to value their own unique perspective. A humorous journey of one man’s attempt to find a new way of living that would carry him into thin and beyond, Odd One Out is an unashamed memoir of binges, setbacks, explosive outbursts and ultimate success. This fast-moving book also delves into different aspects of life as seen through separate stories involving a wide variety of individuals, many of whom are shown to be interlinked as their tales progress. Paul Lambis’ self-deprecating narrative is extremely sarcastic and utterly hilarious, and along with his epic lines of wisdom and snappy dialogue — ​creating high adven- ture and wild drama around the porous boundaries between fiction and real life, it makes for a laugh-out-loud book. About the author Paul Lambis is an award- winning screenwriter, author, playwright and director, born in Johannesburg, South Africa. Educated at the Johannesburg Art Foundation, he is based in Cyprus and is the Marketing Manager and Creative Head of a renowned organisation. In 2008, after surviving a near-fatal car accident, Lambis put pen-to-paper and published his autobiography Where is Home? — ​A Journey of Hi- larious Contrasts. His highly- acclaimed memoir inspired him further to write, produce and perform a one-man stand-up comedy based on the book. As an established playwright in Cyprus, Lambis has written, produced and directed theatri- cal productions such as 74 and Melina: The Last Greek God- dess to widespread critical ac- claim. Other plays include Taj Mahal, Evagora, Volare, The Madness of Marilyn, Onassis: The Final Hour and Divorced, Beheaded, Died; Divorced, Be- headed, Survived. will greatly increase the future prospects of the country and will resolve underly- ing issues. More companies are flocking to the island to explore more of the land and unearth hidden treasures that could fulfil their demands. It has also opened new ways of renewing energy and using natu- ral resources to create energy for the resi- dents of Cyprus and for the companies which are profitable for both. Meetings have been held among Turkey, Israel, Cyprus and Greek Presi- dents to establish pipelines that would transport gas from Israel and Cyprus gas fields to other parts of the world by tak- ing a path through Greece. Along with fulfilling Cyprus’ own domestic gas de- mand of years, these reserves will bring great profit for the people. The world has been facing an energy crisis and this new discovery will help Cyprus gain a better stand internationally. ■ T H E R O YA L A P O L L O N I A M A G A Z IN E • 2018 edition T H E R O YA L A P O L L O N I A M A G A Z IN E • 2018 edition A DVA N C E P R A I S E “Odd One Out is a book of wisdom, advice, and laugh- out-loud moments. A scrumptious, irresistible treat.” THE GREEK REPORTER EUROPE “Raucously funny.” PREMIERE MAGAZINE “Lambis’ quest for his crown jewels is a rollercoaster of a read.” OK! ODD ONE OUT IS AVAILABLE FROM SELECTED BOOKSTORES AND FROM: (+357) 96 23 99 85 [email protected] 41