Women today have many different “hats” they equal pay, to be valued for our intelligence
must wear. The roles they play can vary from and seeing women have more educational
everything, such as CEO to caregiver and opportunities is just one part of a facets that
everything in between. shapes us.”
The modern woman according to Quora, by Woman means being responsible for their
definition, defines herself separate from children and shaping them. Showing their true
stereotypes. She is introspective, brave and selves and finally realizing that they are not
intelligent enough to know her own strengths broken. Standing up for themselves and
and weakness. She acts to maximize her deciding that they are who they are and
strengths and minimize her weaknesses. apologizing for it.
Women here at the Raymond G. Murphy Loving themselves and being more confident
Medical Center are such women. No matter by standing up for their own convictions.
their job, they serve those who are in need of Realizing that being perfect is not a goal, so
help. Helping Veterans, co-workers, and stop being hard on one’s self. Most
friends, to understanding what it is like to have importantly, never give up! You can go over,
a disability and powering through it, to under, around or through obstacles and come
listening when that is all that is wanted. out the other side as a stronger woman.
“Going from an educated type A physician to Once women learn to see the value and
a disabled woman with mobility, physical beauty deep within themselves and saying no
health and mental health issues. And still to what one may find uncomfortable, this is
realizing my value – to society as a whole, to what sets these women apart. Establishing
my family and friends, to myself. Most who you are for yourself and don’t compromise
importantly showing my daughter that you can your core values for anyone. When people try
be a strong, capable, independent, fun and to put you back in your box, politely decline
loving – everything – no matter what life throws and move on. Don’t forget to smile.
at you,” stated an employee.
Saying ‘yes’ to opportunities can lead you to
Shaping these incredible women was a legacy amazing new paths in your life. Be adventurous
in the making. In many cases it has been and show the next generation how their
passed down through several generations. As actions are being looked at and, in the end,
another female employee stated, “Growing up what is revealed is a beauty that comes from
in the 60’s and watching women protest for within.