Here you have it- the first special edition of The Roshua Review. Why is it special though? Because the creator of TRR (me) is highly incompetent. When planning for release a month in advance, I chose June 31, 2015 as my launch date. I didn’t realize the problem with that until midnight July 1. When discussing the rollout with my girlfriend, I came to the realization that I had an imaginary release date. I probably would have realized it sooner had I not been at Grammy Camp, but that’s a story for another day.
So instead of not giving you a June Issue altogether, I’m giving you a mini-edition, and here’s why it is so special after all. First, the cover contains a picture behind the iconic TRR. Second, the issue is 5 pages of reading material. Less reading is cool with everybody, right? I hope so, because less writing really made this process a lot more fun. Third, I’ve played with the format a lot to ensure that no other issue of The Roshua Review ever looks like this again. Fourth, this issue basically journals my journey from being a regular journalist to a slightly less regular journalist with better clips and more experience. I’ve included my first published pieces, and I’m really excited to share them with you. Fifth, I did some Track-by-Track reviews because I usually don’t have the time to do them. Ever. So you're welcome. And lastly, this is the first ever issue where I have gotten actual help in the formatting of the magazine. So shout out to Alexa Byrd; she was an immense help in this project, and I’d probably be days late if it wasn’t for her.
There you have it. This is a special edition of The Roshua Review. To celebrate this special occasion, I’d like to thank everyone who had a hand in sending me to Grammy Camp- all of your contributions were appreciated, and I am forever grateful for your donations. What I learned at Grammy Camp was invaluable, and I finally have what I need to succeed in this field. I’d also like to thank all of my faithful readers. We’re growing every month! With over 50 subscribers and 1400 views in 4 months (in a generation where nobody likes to read), I will admit that this Magazine is one of my proudest accomplishments.
It doesn’t stop here though. Welcome new and old readers, to the Special Edition of The Roshua Review. It’s not special if you don’t enjoy it.
Yours Truly,
Rosh Jobinson
Twitter: @roshjobin
Instagram: @theroshuareview
Tumblr: theroshuareview.tumblr.com