The Roshua Review Planting Seeds, 12 Feb. 2016 | Page 2


The Roshua Review is real. Like it's an actual thing. On February 8, 2015, I released the first issue of this magazine. I'm gonna type that again; this is so amazing. On February 8, 2015, I released the first issue of this magazine! I remember it taking me a solid month to put those measly 16 pages together, and there weren't any full articles or interviews. After a year, a lot has changed to say the least. I've met some amazing people and made incredible relationships that actually matter. I've met a lot of people that have inspired me, and I've been carrying that positive energy with me. I've done a lot of stuff that I didn't want to do, but those experiences have truly made me better. I've done a lot of stuff that I've always wanted to do, only to realize that they weren't all that to begin with. But as much as things change, they stay the same, and I'm still the same person I was a year ago. Although I'm now 18 and making crucial life decisions like where I'm going to college, I'm still a dreamer. On February 8, 2015, I wrote, "Anything is possible. Through all of the nail biting and stressing over meeting the deadline, I’ve realized that I would do it all over a million times if I had to. Everyone has a dream, and I encourage all of my readers to keep reaching for their own." And now on February 28, my 18th birthday, I'm still writing that anything is possible. Through all of the nail biting, wavering support, and stress, I've produced 12 magazines, and as a result The Roshua Review has resonated with a strong base of individuals. And sorry to my Instagram and twitter followers who are tired of seeing TRR over and over and over and over again! But now that we have a strong base, there's nothing that this magazine cannot accomplish. And just like the magazine, there is nothing that you cannot accomplish as well. You have a dream; reach for it. While I am moving towards a more editorial position for The Roshua Review, I have decided to make this issue really special for my day one readers. This issue is written entirely by me, just like the first few were. I want it to serve as a reminder that hard work really pays off, regardless of what you're doing in life. But enough of my rambling, I know you've been waiting a long time for this issue, like a 58 day, 23 hour, 57 minute, and 59 second wait. So now I present to you The Roshua Review Issue 12, February 2016: Planting Seeds.

-Rosh Jobinson