The Roman Catholic Church of ROBLOX BULLETIN: June 15
_______________THE ROMAN CATHOLIC CHURCH OF ROBLOX_______________
PRAYER GROUP: will meet Friday in The
Vatican, 7-8PM EST on June 20. Looking for inner
peace? Come and experience His presence as He
responds to group prayer. **Don’t forget to post a
special intention on the group wall!
RELIGIOUS EDUCATION: We are beginning to
gear up for the 2014-2015 year! Want to help? PM
KB135246. More information will be out within the
next few weeks. **Registration Forms should be
posted soon!
YOUTH MINISTRY: Thanks to all who came to
the first Youth Ministry Meeting. The next meetings
will be when KB135246 gives the talks about the
history of the Church.
BIBLE STUDY: Our next class will meet on
Thursday, June 26. Bible Study offers a continuing
adult education of the various sections of the Bible
through informal classes emphasizing fellowship.
Classes meet the 2nd & 4th Thursdays of June-July
for the summer session. **ALL CLASSES HAVE
COFFEE AND TEA SERVED. During the summer
session, we will begin studying the New Testament.
Saturday @ 2PM EST: One Week Ordination Anniv.
For Chris Peschel
Sunday @5PM EST: All Who Are Serving/Have
We are sorry, but we put this week’s intentions in last
Group Treasury Funds: (as of 12 June, 2014)
R: 1033
T: 6519
Thank you for your continued support and generosity!
UPDATED LIST OF PLANS: Within the last
couple of weeks, we have posted our updated list of
plans for TRCCOR. We will continue to do that. We
thank you for all your continued support and help!
THE VATICAN: Our main and #1 world for
TRCCOR is The Vatican. Thanks to KB135246, he
has done an amazing job on it. So, he asks you, the
members of TRCCOR to tell him how you feel about
it! He has now opened a second Vatican World. With
two, he will have a survey if people want the first and
orginal Vatican, or the newer and more modern
Vatican. To talk to him, please contact him by PMing
APPEAL: ends June 24th! T-shirts for small and
large donations are up for sale on our group store.
Every year, TRCCOR has this Appeal to help support
the needy in the ROBLOX Community. PLEASE
SUPPORT THIS GREAT APPEAL! Check the upto-date total under “Church Support.”
TO- We congratulate KB135246 and his 28 other
classmates who graduated Friday, June 6! Please pray
for them, as they will soon enter high school and
begin their lives in a whole new way.
TO- All others who are graduating/have graduated.
Let us also keep them in our prayers.