The Role of Knowledge in Human Life

The Role of Knowledge in Human Life
Even in ancient times , a person wanted to know everything around him - this was a manifestation of curiosity and curiosity , his only chance of survival . Studying the world around you , the entire surrounding world , its smallest particle - could help to survive in the wild world and move up the developing evolutionary ladder .
Surely teaching is light and ignorance is darkness . In addition to the significant , it can be said that the primary purpose of acquiring knowledge is in educational
goals , mastering a profession , knowledge - this is , first of all , personal self-development and elevation above other ordinary people .
Our whole life is a continuous acquisition of knowledge , their comprehension , the transformation of ideas based on thoughts , dreams and ideas into practical life .
Basic knowledge of physical laws , life safety , rules and norms of behavior save us from tragedies and troubles , in many ways simplify our existence .
Source : https :// kitabnagri . pk /