The Rockdale News Rockdale News Digital Edition January 7, 2015 | Page 9
Jessica Brown
is a freelance
writer at Rockdale News. She
can be reached
at jessbrown@
The new year has been here
for a week, and everyone is
focusing on their New Year’s
Resolution. There are the classic
ones of course; losing weight,
joining a gym, eating better,
finding Mr. Right. Resolving
to do this or that is great but
the real trick to a resolution is
sticking with it throughout the
year. Around 90 percent of people have already resolved to not
follow their resolution. For the
10 percent who have thus far
succeeded, fantastic job! You
are stronger than I. As for the
rest of us, I think we place so
much pressure on ourselves to
succeed that it’s quite impossible to stick to these unrealistic
expectations we are expected to
resolve to do with the bringing
in of a new year. A resolution
shouldn’t be on a timetable, in
my personal opinion. When the
inevitable failure comes, (because we thought up our resolution in the five minutes leading
up to midnight on December
31st) we are upset and slightly depressed. Why didn’t my
spur of the moment resolution
work? Preparation, dear reader.
I believe that the 10 percent
who have succeeded so far had
already resolved to do whatever their resolution was way
before midnight hit, and the
new year was more coincidental than anything. They had sat
down and thought through the
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