The Rockdale News Rockdale News Digital Edition December 31, 2014 | Page 6

Perspectives Wednesday, Dec. 31, 2014 YOUR FEEDBACK Our Thoughts Watch the video T. Pat Cavanaugh is the publisher of The Rockdale News and The Covington News. He can be reached at [email protected] Run, Liz, Run David Harsanyi Columnist David Harsanyi is a senior editor at The Federalist and the author of “The People Have Spoken (and They Are Wrong): The Case Against Democracy.” To find out more about David Harsanyi, visit the Creators Syndicate Web page at www. When Sen. Elizabeth Warren rallied beleaguered House liberals to push back against a bank-coddling omnibus bill and the spineless White House that enabled it, she showed us some of her dynamic appeal. Passing trillion-dollar pieces of legislation should never be easy, and disrupting the current cozy, bipartisan environment surely can’t be a bad thing. As Warren was disrupting D.C., it’s not difficult to imagine Hillary Clinton ensconced in her penthouse suite in whatever city she’s about to give a six-figure lecture in, contemplating every conceivable political angle of this debate, tabulating every potential big-money donor’s interests and asking obsequious staffers how polling looks before composing her own opinion on the matter. That’s because Hillary is the Democrats’ Mitt Romney. And Democrats would be engaging in a historic act of negligence if they allowed her to run unopposed for president. The most obvious reason bolstering my concern trolling is that Warren’s positions far more closely reflect the sensibilities of constituents in the modern-day Democratic Party, not only in substance but in tone. Her hard-left economics — what the press quixotically refers to as “economic populism” — propel today’s liberal Read more Take this New Year pledge Charles Walker Columnist Charles Walker served as the mayor of Conyers for two decades and was the first president of the Rockdale Historical Society On a few occasions I have had the opportunity to tell others something I consider an admission against self-interest. Some who hear me nod their heads in apparent agreement, while others are taken aback by my words. I must admit that they are a bit off the beaten path, but I believe them to be true. My words are an admission that I am a bigot and a racist, and that all others are bigots and racists as well. Those who point to others and call them racists or bigots are the finest examples of exactly that which they decry. Accusing another of bigotry implies that the declarer feels superior to others by being non-bigoted. There you have it – a bigot. For these purposes, let us lump them together. Bigotry might be considered as the basis of racism, and one might agree that racism is, unfortunately, a human condition. In fact, it is a condition besetting the entire animal kingdom. Perhaps, beyond that, it might be a condition which likewise besets other kingdoms such as insectivore. Leaving the subject of humans for a moment, consider that you don’t usually see schools of fish of different types swimming in the same schools. You don’t see wolves allowing foxes or coyotes to join in their pack. Could you imagine a pride of lions allowing jaguars or tigers to join their group? It doesn’t happen. Bumble bees and yellow jackets don’t swarm together. Have you ever seen a hill of common ants join a fire ant hill. No, you haven’t, and you aren’t Read more