Andrew Carnegie is an industrialist and philanthropist. He is known as the captain of industry for steel. Steel is very impotant to build railways, bridges, and cars. Carnegie has his own steel buisness and is makin millions. Today, he is known as one of the world's richest men. Carnegie also had many other jos. At age twelve Andrew and his family came to America for our new oppurtunities. When they arrived he had the job of a telegrapher. Later on when Carnegie was twenty four, he became superintendent of the western division of the railroads. Carnegie was already making money before working on the railroad. After six years Carnegie saved up the money to become a wealthy investor and an entrepreneur. He mainly focuses on the making of steel. There is a lot of competition so Carnegie uses a plan. He holds costs to a minimum and prices below his competitiors increasing the wealth of him and his buisness. As a philanthropist Carnegie uses the thought of leadership to get rich. He sets up foundations and he bult the Carnegie Hall in New York and much more to become the leader of the American industry.