THE RISING REALITY: Flash Fiction eSeries (e.g. eSeries 1-10 | July-Sept13) | Page 4

T h e R i s i n g R e a l i t y | F l a s h F i c t i o n e S e r i e s | B y a t l a s b r o w n P a g e | 4

63 ' Thunderbird | Orange with gold rims : a star shines on the driver ' s side window . Clementine Jones likes to tilt his hat to the side with the windows rolled down in the heat as he grips the steering wheel .

The music is turned up inside the car ; the Temptations reminded him of the good ole ’ days that his pops talked about . He rolled down the car window …
" Leroy , what you doin ," Clementine Jones yells .
The chocolate -muscular built man hollers back , " Getting ready to head back to that unit . You know man , it ' s hard out here for ah pimp !"
Sirens start to sound off as he sits in the car . Clementine Jones begins rolling up the window and decides to get a few more seconds of it .
~ He thought about Else ’ s Donut Shop ; they had been on Deloso Street for years . She was standing inside the shop that day on September 7 , 1970 .
Clementine Jones turns around . The sirens start up again . He continues to sit and smell the cigarette butts piled up in the ashtray .
He looks out the driver ' s side window – rolled halfway down and decides to get out the car . Years , months , and days had passed | Tomorrow would come . Clementine Jones had a number . The sound speaker came on and started to fizzle in and out .
A loud voice blurted out , " We need # 1127 to return to his cell before lockdown begins in two minutes !”