with local contacts, they could, in fact, be deemed to be bribes. This distinction is important
because as a UK business you will be governed by the Bribery Act 2010.
How to take aim and hit your goals?
When looking to work with third parties overseas there are 6 headline points that can help
you (a) consider whether it is a viable route for your business and (b) whether your business
is protected from a risk perspective:
1. What are the local rules for trading in the territory? Many countries (such as Qatar)
require you to have an incorporated vehicle in the country to trade directly into the
territory. This means new subsidiaries for your business;
2. What type of arrangement do you need? Do you intend to contract with a supplier,
distributor or agent in the territory? Each of these contracts differ and should be
carefully considered;
3. Applicable Law. Make sure (unless you have experience with local lawyers in the
relevant country) that your contracts are governed by the law of England and Wales
and will be heard in ѡ