The Review Spring 2013 | Page 5

This information will form the basis of on-going risk assessments for that individual. It should be recorded and shared with everyone looking after that elderly person. Staff should be properly trained and know what to do to minimise that risk. Proper working equipment (such as hoists, walking frames and emergency call bells) should be provided and kept in good working order. The Home should be adequately staffed to ensure that everyone can have the level of supervision they require to keep them safe. Do get in touch if you need any advice. “There are an estimated 3,836 nursing homes and 10,445 residential homes for people aged 65+ in the UK” Age UK estimate calculated from Care of Elderly People Market Survey, Laing & Buisson, 2011/12 Spotlight on: The Community The night temperature on Saturday 2 February 2013 was around freezing, yet fifteen people including a team of three from Barlow Robbins gathered at Willow Grange, the Bishop of Guildford’s residence, to erect temporary cardboard shelters and make themselves as comfortable as possible for the night. Guildford YMCA is a charity dedicated to serving the community, with a particular focus on young people. As well as providing a caring environment, the charity enables young people to develop positive relationships and grow as individuals. The Sleep£asy Sleepout is a key event in fundraising for the Life Change Fund, an ongoing youth project for Guildford YMCA. To date sponsorship in excess of £9,000 has been raised. P4