The Review Issue 15 - Summer 2017 | Page 17

To advertise in The Review email [email protected] 17 s t co lumba’s ch u r ch easter morning celebration Stewarton Churches Together at Easter: friends from the Churches in Stewarton celebrated Easter morning with an Open Air Service on Gameshill. This Open Air Celebration has been marked since 2010 thanks to an idea by Rev. Gavin Niven and has been well supported over the years by Church and community alike. After the Service, the children's decorated eggs were judged, prizes awarded and the eggs rolled before we all set off for breakfast together in St. Columba's Church Hall where £70 was collected for the work of Stewarton Churches Together. messy church This monthly after-school Club is normally held on the first Monday of each month from 3.30-5pm in the Hall and is being well received. It starts with snacks and games and leads into a time of arts and crafts, singing and reflecting on the Christian message usually with the help of film clips. This is led by a team headed by Mrs. Annette Waddington and the next one is Monday 5th June. All families are most welcome. friendship & faith is held on the last Tuesday monthly 1.30-3 pm in the Hall for (mainly) Senior Citizens, although it is open to all with activities which include arts and crafts, tables games, quizzes etc and talks on interests and hobbies. It ends with a short Act of Worship. This is led by a team headed by Mrs. Ruth Nicol and the next one is Tuesday 30th May. All are welcome. primary school children’s summer Holiday club 2017 Will be run Monday 31st July –Friday 4th August 10.30- 12 noon in the Church Hall. This will be led by a team headed by Mrs. Annette Waddington. Flyers will be handed out on Bonnet Guild Day. Meantime you can start registering your families with Annette on 01560 482770. sunday service - each week at 11a.m. The Service begins with relaxed family-friendly worship and flows into a more classical style once the children leave for Sunday Club in the Hall. A crèche is available too. There’s always a welcome for you and your families. the future - farewell celebration for rev. george & mrs. rae lind “Souper Sunday” 2017 took place on 29th January. The Service featured involvement by Joel Githinji, Church of Scotland Mission Partner to Nepal where he has been working as an HIV Programme Officer for the past 10 years. People of all ages stayed to have lunch together and collected for the Church of Scotland's HIV Programme £706 (including Gift Aid). In the past eight years of "Souper Sundays", the congregation has raised a total of £6,374 (including Gift Aid). This 10-day tour of duty was Joel's final visit to the Presbytery of Irvine & Kilmarnock, bringing his Contract to an end. He has now joined his wife and children in the USA where they plan to settle permanently. Sideboard with concealed tv which remotely lifts up. BESPOKE FURNITURE BY BEATTIE AND COYLE IS A UNIQUE FEMALE AND MALE PARTNERSHIP. Designed to clients requirements Claire the cabinet maker and Tom the spray polisher. Combine their skills to bring together hand crafted designs in real wood. They will help you through the design process from small sketch or photograph on which to base your idea, answering any questions along the way. Manufacturing, finishing and fitting is detailed to your own personal requirements. The future for St. Columba’s is secure in God’s hands… George reminded the congregation that while the manse will soon become vacant, the Church is never “vacant” – the presence and work of God goes on. Until the future ministry is settled, the day to day work of the Church and arranging for guest preachers will be overseen for Presbytery by Rev. Eddie Marshall of Crosshouse who has been appointed Interim Moderator. Bereavement Care will be provided by our elder Mrs. Catherine Hay. Also, if you have a piece of furniture that needs a bit of loving care, Bespoke furniture has the facility to bring it back to life. Workshop & Showroom: 17 Avenue Street, Stewarton, KA3 5AP Tel: 01560 480400 E: [email protected] Find us on Facebook