The Resource May 2014 Volume 1 Issue 005 | Page 20
ime to lace up your
cross-trainers and run to
the Window Rock Sports
Center to cross-train with certified Personal FitnessTrainer, Neil Damon. Fitness is a
lifestyle for Neil, he is known
as one of the Navajo Nation’s
top Cross-Trainer Instructors.
Neil is a Navy veteran originally from Window Rock, Arizona. After leaving the Navy,
he moved to Phoenix, Arizona
where he became a certified
Personal and Group Fitness
Trainer. He has trained in two of
the United States most popular
fitness centers;Gold’s Gym and
LA Fitness.
Cross-training in sports
and fitness is the combining of
severalexercises to work various parts of the body. Neil’s
cross-training involves a combination, not limited to; plyometric, isometrics,mixed martial
arts (MMA) workouts, calisthenics, cardio, and both Pilates and
yoga are incorporated as a cool
down method. The purpose of
cross-training is to eliminate
using only one muscle group,
instead, you will use several
muscle groups to get a full body
high intensity work-out.
may Volume 1 Issue 005
Having trained over 300
Neil is proof that living
participants, Neil has witnessed healthy on the Navajo Nation is
weight loss, an increase in re- not impossible, he wants to enflex, flexibility, and body build- courage people to consecutiveing results from his students. ly attend his classes and learn
the cross-trainNeil’s motive
ing techniques
is being able
“Neil’s ultimate
so that they
to help everymission is creating
are able to
one and anyhealthy families by
go home and
one to be