The Resource April 2014 Volume 1 Issue 004 | Page 20
he powerful beat of the maternal grandfather’s clan is
powwow drum, the bois- Red Running into the Water,
terous sounds of drum and her paternal grandfather’s
groups singing, and the vision clan is Towering House. For
of vibrantly designed and col- Wanda, this is a busy time of
ored outfits with beautifully, jew- juggling work, attending powelry-adored dancers dancing in wows, and squeezing in time to
their respective outfits are all make customized powwow outimages and sounds one can at- fits. It took The RESource sevtest to as truly breathtaking and eral attempts to finally catch-up
magnificent. This is a snap- with her so we are grateful for
shot of a powthe opportunity to
wow where many
share her story.
“When she’s not
come together,
thinking about
Wanda works a
schedules and
pay respects and
regular 8-to-5 job,
deadlines, Wanda which helps the
share their skills.
is proudly design- Navajo Nation
Even though the
powwow culture ing, sketching and Special Events
is not considered fabricating tailored Office
to be historically powwow regalia for and plan the anand originally part
nual Fourth of
friends, powwow
of Navajo culture,
July Celebration&
colleagues and
it has been adPRCA ProRodeo,
opted by many
and the largest
Native American
amount of Navajos who par- gathering, the Navajo Nation
ticipate in the powwow circuit Fair. Wanda has helped both
is vast as dances span across fairs, in one way or another,
the United States, Canada, and plan their annual powwows with
other countries. More than a schedule and sponsorship. Afsocial gathering, the powwow ter planning the various events,
is sacred to those who partici- making contacts and progress,
pate in it as it is also a powerful she finds rejuvenation in her
form of displaying Native Amer- craft of sewing. When she’s not
ican culture and tradition.
thinking about schedules and
deadlines, Wanda is proudly
Wanda Nelson, originally from designing, sketching and fabriMany Farm, Arizona, is of the cating tailored powwow regalia
Weaving People Clan and born for friends, powwow colleagues
for the Red Bottom clan. Her and customers. Many times,
April Volume 1 Issue 004