The RenewaNation Review SPRING 2024 v16 i1 | Page 9

Dear Reader , from the Founder ’ s Pen

Dear Reader , from the Founder ’ s Pen

After hearing me give two speeches at his Christian school , a young man approached me and said , “ I told my friend after your first speech that I agreed with everything you said about worldview , but in reality , I don ’ t care .” I was shocked by his honesty and , frankly , his humility . He wasn ’ t being unkind and had no attitude to go with his stark comment . He went on to tell me the reason he didn ’ t care : He was so addicted to porn and so exhausted by the struggle to break free that he was thinking about giving up and totally yielding to the lust of the flesh . I later discovered he was one of the finest young men in that Christian school . After talking with him and his friend for about 30 minutes , I asked if I could pray for him . He quickly said yes , so I prayed something like , “ Lord , will you reveal your power to this young man ? I fear if he doesn ’ t come to know you and see that you have what he needs , he will soon adopt a worldview that will allow him to live in the lust of the flesh .” When I finished praying , he said , “ I can ’ t believe you prayed about me adopting a different worldview . We were just studying postmodernism in Bible class , and something rose up in me and said , ‘ Yes , that ’ s what I want to believe because then I can do whatever I want to do .’”
As much as I would like to think this young man is the exception to the rule , I don ’ t think he is . Many others would not have the courage to approach a speaker they had never met before and be this brutally honest , but too many of our young men and women have been overcome by addiction in its many forms . After meeting this young man , I felt a sense of urgency for this next issue of The RenewaNation Review to address the various forms of addiction young people are battling today .
I invite you to read the articles in this edition with an open mind and heart , and I challenge you to take action on behalf of the children in your care . We can teach them all the truth in the world , but at the end of the day , they will follow the deepest desires and attractions of their hearts .
In order to win the battle for the hearts and minds of this generation of children , we must draw a line in the sand . We have often heard that an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure . In the case of digital addiction in its various forms , I believe an ounce of prevention is worth 1,000 pounds of cure . If we are diligent in preventing our children and young people from getting addicted in the first place , we will have a much easier time leading them into a healthy and godly adulthood .
Sincerely ,
Jeff Keaton RenewaNation Founder & CEO

In the case of digital addiction in its various forms , I believe an ounce of prevention is worth 1,000 pounds of cure .”