The RenewaNation Review 2024 VOL. 16 NO. 2 | Page 43

this truth . The principal , who covered me significantly during my first two years , moved on . The new principal was far less friendly to a Christian worldview and its practice in the classroom . The experience was similar to the previous job : Original leadership allowed for a significant amount of Christian practice in the classroom , and new leadership shut my efforts down within a short period . This time it was within a year .
THE FAITHFULNESS OF GOD God opened wonderful doors of opportunity to minister to troubled and hurting children . It was a burden and a blessing going through those doors . It ’ s challenging to lose jobs and painful when leadership and co-workers turn against you or simply remain silent . Following these challenging times , I testify that God is faithful to His promises . He provided all of our family ’ s needs , including education costs for our children . Someone anonymously put $ 2,000 into our school account . A month or so after that , a friend came up to me and handed me another $ 2,000 in cash . These are just two of the many examples of how God used His children to encourage us and help pay our bills during those difficult days .
God gave me a passion for teaching children and His truth . He has called me to minister in secular settings . Has God given you the same passions ? Be prepared because He most likely wants you to be bold in those settings and do things His way . He may even ask you to speak His Word . And when you do , you may also be required to pay a price . Nothing is free . Bread has a price . Milk has a price . Following Jesus has a price . This is nothing new for disciples of Jesus . In fact , His first followers had to pay a price , and they rejoiced “ that God had counted them worthy to suffer disgrace for the name of Jesus ” ( see Acts 5:40-41 ). This pattern has continued for over 2,000 years , right up to today . May we all continue to stand firm in His truth and encourage one another as we take risks to be bold for Him because it is worth the cost .

Are You Still Achieving Your School ’ s Mission ?

It happens — the administrative day to day of operating a Christian School can lead you to drift from your original target . Does your school still have the zeal it had during its inaugural year ? Rekindle that passion , boost enrollment and exceed your mission !
How we ’ ll help you :
Assessment Process We identify critical gaps and assess the current state of the school against best practices , targeting significant opportunities for improvement .
Strategic Deployment Our team will guide the school through both the planning process as well as the development of a strategic deployment plan .
Implementation Our experienced coaching team will guide your leadership team throughout to ensure your strategic plan is implemented successfully .

Let ’ s get started !

David Paine met his wife , Elizabeth , while both serving in the military . After some bumps and bruises getting to know Jesus and one another , God brought much-needed healing and maturity . Today they reside in Virginia with their adult children . They both love to teach children ( and families ) and help them overcome the same challenges they encountered growing up . Also , they love learning the history of America , living on mission , the beach , and playing with their gaggle of grands . renewanation . org / renewal
Editor ’ s Note : Names have been changed to protect the privacy of individuals mentioned in this article .