The RenewaNation Review 2024 VOL. 16 NO. 2 | Page 29

5 Tips to Manage Media in the Home


Training our children and grandchildren to be tech-wise and digitally self-controlled for God ’ s glory


D igital technology is useful , like guns and painkillers and fire and razor-sharp knives and lots of other things that can ruin our lives . I ’ m grateful for knives . I use one daily , but I would never give one to my child without careful oversight , nor would I hand my child a gun without proper training . The same is true with screens , the internet , and media usage . We must teach our children and grandchildren how to navigate media by explaining the value and the dangers , training them to use it as we would any tool , and showing them how to be tech-wise and digitally self-controlled for God ’ s glory .

Media is a powerful shaping influence in the lives of young people . George Barna believes , “ The most significant influence on the development of a worldview in America today is what we absorb from the media .” He continued , “ And if that ’ s the case , then that says to me as a parent or a grandparent or somebody who cares about the development of the worldview of children that I ’ ve got to pay attention to what media are investing in those children ’ s minds and hearts .” 1
Barna ’ s perspective is consistent with the words of theologian Kevin Vanhoozer : “ Popular culture — more so than the academy or the church — has become the arena where most people work out their understanding of the true , the good , and the beautiful .” Media should be recognized for what it is : a form of digital discipleship . We must be intentional about what we allow our children to watch , listen to , read , and play . A digital discipleship strategy includes protecting children from unbiblical views and unrighteous behaviors in media and intentionally utilizing it to help our children develop a biblical worldview .

5 Tips to Manage Media in the Home

Think about your motive and purpose for your children ’ s media usage . What purpose does it serve in their life ? What is a child gaining from technology use ? What pitfalls need to be protected against ? Media should serve us , not enslave us . It should help build relationships , not harm them . It should help us become more like Jesus , not sin against Him . Ultimately , how can media be used to help us raise our children to know , love , and serve Jesus ? What shows , podcasts , or music will help us disciple our children with a biblical worldview ?