The RenewaNation Review 2024 VOL. 16 NO. 2 | Page 24

year-olds have doubled . 1 The American Psychological Association found that the number of children struggling and diagnosed with anxiety more than doubled during the pandemic . 2 I , as well as others working with children and teens all across America , are seeing these and many other shocking statistics to be true .
This is the world our children are living in — one where the world is constantly telling them that they are not enough . They aren ’ t smart enough , pretty enough , or worthy enough for love . The world is telling our children that they can ’ t make it through the tough times and that the only way to escape the pain of adolescence is to give up and end their life . Videos are being created , targeting this young age group , giving

Society tells children that they need to act a certain way , dress a certain way , and identify a certain way or they will be ostracized and labeled . Jesus tells them that He made them on purpose and for a purpose . them how-to instructions on making the pain go away .

Could you imagine being five years old and feeling that life is too stressful and you are worthless so the only option is to give up ? That ’ s a fairly common feeling for young adolescents today ( and that is before their hormones have even kicked in ).
Children living in 2024 are struggling . The CDC , in a 2019 report , stated that 10.8 % of children aged five-eleven have received treatment for mental health which includes medication and therapy . 3 Those statistics are pre-COVID , without taking into account the mental effect COVID had on children . Even without up-to-date statistics , one out of every ten children has received a diagnosis and treatment .
I think you will agree with me that there is a problem . Children are hurting and confused , and unfortunately , they sometimes take these big feelings that they don ’ t know what to do with and end up hurting themselves . What , then , is the solution ? How can we , the church , help these children ? We show them Jesus . While that might sound like I am stating the obvious , Jesus truly is the obvious ( and only ) answer . When you dig down and discover the root of the problems , the answer is Jesus .
A child who feels unloved by their friends or family can know that Jesus loves them so much that He died for them .
Society tells children that they need to act a certain way , dress a certain way , and identify a certain way or they will be ostracized and labeled . Jesus tells them that He made them on purpose and for a purpose . He knows the hairs on their head , and He thinks they are amazing .
The stress of life can feel like it is too much , so the world has told children that there is no escape from the pain other than death . Jesus tells them to cast their worries on Him because He cares for them .
The symptoms that Generation Alpha is facing today are identity issues . Humans like to fit in ; being the one who is different in a crowd can be hard . Factor in the constant need for digital validation through social media and the overload of information at a child ’ s fingertips each and every second of the day , as well as a world that shuns anything resembling godliness , and you have the world our children are living in . They are trying to be who the world says they are because they don ’ t know who God says they are .
I am not saying that children dealing with these issues should just be handed a Bible and sent on their way , nor am I discounting the need for medical professionals to help a child . By all means , if a child in your life is thinking about harming themselves in any way , please get them the help they need . But they also need Jesus .
Now more than ever , our children need to know who they are in Christ . They need to know that they are fearfully and wonderfully made . They are known by the Father and loved by Him with a radical love . They are not mistakes . They are not a waste of space . They were created on purpose and for a purpose . When they look into the mirror , they need to know what God sees , a masterpiece .
The fight for the hearts and souls of boys and girls continues to rage on . Satan is fighting overtime for this generation , prowling like a lion to devour . How do we fight back ? On our knees . Pray for this generation , that they know the Father ’ s love . Then go out into the world and show that love . Be the light to a hurting generation .
AMBER PIKE is an author , speaker , children and family ministry leader , and momma whose passion is to see kids loving the Word of God and walking with Him ! She currently serves as the Church and Family Ministry Coordinator at RenewaNation .
1 . Amy Norton , “ Suicide Rates Among U . S . Adolescents Doubled in 10 Years ,” U . S . News , May 1 , 2023 , usnews . com / news / health-news / articles / 2023-05-01 / suicide-ratesamong-u-s-adolescents-doubled-in-10-years .
2 . Tori DeAngelis , “ Anxiety Among Kids is on the Rise ,” American Psychological Association , October 1 , 2002 , apa . org / monitor / 2022 / 10 / child-anxiety-treatment .
3 . Benjamin Zablotsky , Ph . D ., and Emily P . Terlizzi , M . P . H ., “ Mental Health Treatment Among Children Aged 5-17 Years : United States , 2019 ,” Center for Disease Control , September 2020 , cdc . gov / nchs / products / databriefs / db381 . htm .