Ben , will you tell us about The Biblical Worldview Show ? What is it ? Who is it for ? And what do we need to know about it ?
Ben : The Biblical Worldview Show exists to equip believers with a biblical worldview . It is literally in the name . And why do we need a biblical worldview ? I say this often when I am out speaking . Our world is in a mess . In the middle of the mess , wouldn ’ t it be great if someone knew everything to help us through the middle of the mess ? Then , wouldn ’ t it be awesome if that person who knew everything would write a book to tell us what to do in the middle of the mess ? Well , there is a God . He knows everything , and He wrote a book .
The Biblical Worldview Show is not about exposing people to new ideas . It ’ s about exposing people to biblical ideas . How can we take the truths from the Bible and help it to be a lamp to our feet and a light to our path ? What is the next step I need to take ( the lamp )? What is the direction I am supposed to go ( the light )? The lies that exist in culture cause darkness to our steps and our direction , and The Biblical Worldview Show gives you light — that ’ s why you need to tune in !
About 4 – 8 % of people today have a biblical worldview . People aren ’ t thinking with the truths of the Bible in mind . We have a massive need and a massive problem . The Biblical Worldview Show can help equip you !
What suggestions would you have for a person who needs to either strengthen or continue to develop their biblical worldview ?
Ben : I would say , watch The Biblical Worldview Show . That might sound like a dumb answer , but that ’ s why we created the show ! We want to help people think through these issues .
Developing a biblical worldview requires understanding what that is . It ’ s more of a process and a paradigm . Worldview is the way I think , and I need to start thinking biblically about everything . How do I develop that ? I ask key questions about everything . Every issue I look at , I need to ask “ What does the Bible say about this ?” Secularism wants to separate the Bible from things , but the truth is that the Bible applies to everything . Whatever issue I am facing , I need to seek what the Bible says — parenting , working at my job , athletics — any and everything . When we start thinking about what the Bible says about everything , we are on the right track to a biblical worldview .
Are you ready to take your next steps in developing or strengthening your biblical worldview and examining all things through the light of Scripture ? Check out The Biblical Worldview Show at thebiblicalworldviewshow . com or wherever you listen to podcasts .
The Biblical Worldview Show is a video-based podcast . You can watch or listen to it anywhere you find podcasts . We have an amazing and sovereign God who knew we would need help today as we face issues and deceit . Ben , could you give us a little taste of some of the issues being tackled in the show ?
Ben : I ’ m sure almost every Christian has had a moment when they have heard something and thought , “ I don ’ t think that ’ s true , but I don ’ t know what to do .” The Biblical Worldview Show covers that issue !
We could give a laundry list of issues tackled in the show . We ’ ve talked about when life begins and the issue of abortion with Dr . Bill Lyle and about creation with Eric Hovind . We talked about full-life surrender in ministry with Jeff Keaton , raising children with Dr . Josh Mulvihill , and an incredible episode with Patty Height ’ s story coming out of the LQBTQ community .