By Michelle Lazor
biblical worldview is established primarily using the Word of God . We build our understanding of God and who He calls us to be by reading His Word daily . The Bible is like the framework and foundation of a home . Without these solid parts of a house , it won ’ t matter which bells and whistles we decorate our homes with . The house will be unsteady and useless , especially when challenges come ( which they always will ).
However , it wouldn ’ t be very practical to live exclusively in the frame of a house . And that ’ s where great books come in . Books that share a biblical worldview accentuate the beauty of the “ home ” they are built onto . And , praise God , we have many books from which to choose written by Christian and secular authors .
At first glance , books written by secular authors would seem counterintuitive to include in a biblical worldview booklist . However , many books fall into this category with stories and concepts that are good , beautiful , and true . Especially considering that “ truth and facts are stubborn things ” ( John Adams ), many books written by secular authors align with a biblical worldview without the author ’ s acknowledgment or realization .
To truly fortify the foundation of our biblical worldview with all kinds of books , we must always use the Bible as the foundation . We must first know God ’ s truth so that we can recognize and discern falsehood from truth . Therefore , secular books should not be used just for reading but should be used intentionally , selectively , and only after being previewed so that it helps a young person identify errors and grow in an area of life . In these confusing times , this quote from Charles Spurgeon succinctly embodies what I am trying to communicate : “ Discernment is not knowing the difference between right and wrong . It is knowing the difference between right and almost right .” We can ’ t do that without God ’ s Word . Although some may be well-intentioned , if those who influence our children do not share a biblical worldview , they can do great harm . Ultimately , as parents and leaders , we are the ones who will be held responsible by the Lord someday . Great books can help us train our children and those under our authority and influence according to a biblical worldview .
You may be asking , “ But what is a biblical worldview ?” A biblical or Christian worldview “ is a comprehensive conception of the world from a Christian standpoint . An individual ’ s worldview is his ‘ big picture ,’ a harmony of all his beliefs about the world . It is his way of understanding reality .” 1
A biblical worldview is of paramount importance . If we don ’ t have a biblical worldview , the problems we are facing in the culture today will leave us confused and frustrated , at best . Without an objective biblical worldview based on God ’ s Word , defining what is good , beautiful , and ( most importantly ) true is impossible . Big questions of the day , such as abortion , gender ideology , or Critical Race Theory , will leave us conflicted and unable to respond to the rhetoric directed at us in a way that honors the Lord .
Whether or not we recognize it , each person has a worldview . However , many of us do not share the same worldview . This difference in worldview perspectives causes much division and even causes some believers to support many unbiblical beliefs . Worldviews can be , and often are , entirely at odds . This is why it is so important to actively develop our own worldview so that it aligns with Scripture .
I ’ m not saying that there isn ’ t some nuance in life . Not everything is black and white . However , some things are objectively true or false . If we don ’ t have a solid foundation of objective truth to stand on ( which thereby gives us a biblical worldview ), we will be lost before we even start our journey through life . And as you can imagine , when we lead our families , our influence significantly affects the next generation . They also need to know and understand what a biblical worldview is and what that looks like in a person ’ s life . If we don ’ t have an appropriate worldview , how can we expect our children to ?