The RenewaNation Review 2023 Volume 15 Issue 2 | Page 21

It is time for us as a community to stand up , pray , and ask God how He desires for us to fight for the hearts of this generation . Nehemiah proclaimed these words in response to the resistance and confusion his enemies attempted to create as his people were rebuilding the wall in Jerusalem . We are dealing with the same strategy from our enemy . He is creating much confusion in the hearts of the younger generation . How do we combat the confusion and desperation plaguing so many homes ?
We must boldly confront these lies with the truth and hope found in God ’ s Word . We must encourage each other by worshiping God and reminding each other that God is telling a greater story . And finally , we must remember that Jesus was the light of men , and His light shines in the darkness , and the darkness has not overcome it ( John 1:4-5 ).
I have been leading a nonprofit media ministry called Seeds Family Worship for over 18 years . We create Scripture-based worship music for kids and their parents . Our mission is to get God ’ s Word into as many hearts and homes as possible around the world — and we do this through music , videos , and creative content based on teaching young people who God is through His Word and how to walk with Him . I ’ ve done this long enough to see an entire generation learn God ’ s Word through these songs , and I get to hear stories about how these kids that grew up on Seeds are now teaching the songs to their own children .
As our ministry team has served this new generation , we have all heard a crescendo in the intensity of the lies being heaped upon children at much younger ages . The way we fight against lies is to arm ourselves and our children with truth from God ’ s Word . Deuteronomy 6 gives parents a blueprint to fight for truth in our homes . It outlines the lifestyle of parents that make it their top priority to pass their faith to their children .
“ Hear , O Israel : The Lord our God , the Lord is one . You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your might . And these words that I command you today shall be on your heart . You shall teach them diligently to your children , and shall talk of them when you sit in your house , and when you walk by the way , and when you lie down , and when you rise .” Deuteronomy 6:4-7
“ The way we fight against lies is to arm ourselves and our children with truth from God ’ s Word .”
Battle Priority # 1 for Parents : Seek God and Have a Fruitful Relationship with Him
Parents are told to establish a godly culture in their homes first by acknowledging there is only one true God ( v . 4 ). Then they are commanded to love Him themselves and to make their relationship with Him their personal top priority . They must have His commands in their hearts to successfully pass them to their children ( v . 5-6 ).
Battle Priority # 2 : Teach Them Diligently
Our relationship with Jesus and knowing His Word will create the right environment to help our children establish their own relationship with the Lord . The text here tells parents to “ teach them diligently .” To be diligent is to show great care in your responsibilities and duties . To be diligent is to have a plan .