The RenewaNation Review 2023 Volume 15 Issue 1 | Page 47

“ Preach the word ; be ready in season and out of season ; reprove , rebuke , and exhort , with complete patience and teaching . For the time is coming when people will not endure sound teaching , but having itching ears they will accumulate for themselves teachers to suit their own passions , and will turn away from listening to the truth and wander off into myths . As for you , always be sober-minded , endure suffering , do the work of an evangelist , fulfill your ministry ” ( 2 Tim . 4:2-5 ; emphasis added ).

Paul ’ s exhortation to Timothy remains true for all redeemed believers in Jesus Christ . We live in that time when many Christians are not enduring sound doctrine but are turning aside to fables and away from truth .

Many factors could be identified as co-conspirators in the growing demise of spiritual discernment among American Christians , but nothing has been more destructive than “ transformational education ,” which began reshaping public education in the early 1960s .
Antonio Gramsci , an Italian communist from the 1930s and father of cultural Marxism , is credited with the long march through the institutions . His “ transformational education ” invaded schools with ideologies and objectives committed to destroying Christianity and Judeo- Christian values by transforming how children think and speak . Primary strategies involved deconstructing language , division by identity , and the sexualization of children — the ultimate goal being the destruction of the family . The family is the foundation of any civilized society and the primary means God created for propagating the gospel and raising up a spiritual heritage for the Lord . Gramsci understood that changing how children think and speak would transform the culture .
According to Webster ’ s Dictionary , transformational is an adjective concerned with transformation , especially linguistic transformation . That ’ s because words mean things . They determine how and what we think . Academia is saturated with instructors who have marinated in transformational education throughout their entire academic careers . Their thinking has been fundamentally changed , as evidenced by ongoing and carefully crafted pedagogies and programs that fully embed cultural Marxism and are being taught to students through Social-Emotional Learning .
Today , American schools are immersed in an innocuous-sounding pedagogy called Social-Emotional Learning ( SEL ). CASEL 1 ( the Collaborative for Academic , Social , and Emotional Learning ), which is directly linked with the United Nations global initiatives for education , 2 is the founding and leading SEL organization . They define SEL as “ the process through which all young people and adults acquire and apply the knowledge , skills , and attitudes to develop healthy identities , manage emotions and achieve personal and collective goals , feel and show empathy for others , establish and maintain supportive relationships , and make responsible and caring decisions .”
That sounds like wonderful language , right ? However , it goes on to say that SEL will advance “ educational equity and excellence ,” and “ help address various forms of inequity ,” and create “ safe , healthy , and just communities .” That is deceptively loaded language .
SEL is the umbrella or mothership carrying all the controversial ideologies like Critical Race Theory ( CRT ), Diversity , Equity , and Inclusion ( DEI ), Gender Inclusion , Cultural Competencies , Comprehensive Sex Ed ( CSE ), and Mindfulness training . These ideologies influence every content area because to be considered effective , SEL must be “ systemic ” and embedded in every subject at every grade level . 3
The innocuous language disguises the danger of SEL . SEL is simply transformational education repackaged . The focus is not on acquiring academic knowledge but rather indoctrinating students with the attitudes , values , and beliefs required to ensure full acceptance of unbiblical ideas such as equity , social justice , and identities to bring about a cultural revolution .
Unfortunately , many Christians don ’ t understand how they are being deceived . Many have adopted SEL language , ideologies , and assumptions without examining them through the lens of Scripture . Sometimes it is because the narratives have already reshaped their own thinking . Sometimes , they don ’ t recognize how they are being manipulated by spiritual and psychological warfare which accompanies every attack on truth . And many Christians believe the only way to love others and not be judgmental is to affirm everything , including false beliefs and doctrine . And when Christian students are labeled extremists or inherently privileged , social justice demands they give up their voice , and they meekly comply . Christian parents must recognize how SEL erases the true identities of their children by assigning false narratives about race , human sexuality , and justice through the curriculum . SEL has many facets but is commonly taught in schools through equity , Critical Race Theory , Comprehensive Sex Education , and Mindfulness .