The RenewaNation Review 2023-2024 The Collingsworth Family Special Edition | Page 7

from the Founder ’ s Pen

from the Founder ’ s Pen

Dear Reader ,
Thank you for taking the time to read the Collingsworth Family Special Edition of The RenewaNation Review magazine . In this issue , you will gain an inside look into the lives of The Collingsworth Family and read insightful articles that will help you better understand God ’ s beautiful design for the family and the world He has created . When we align every area of our life with God ’ s good plan , amazing things come to pass . There is great hope for our darkened world as we bring every thought and action under the Lordship of Christ and His eternal reign .
As Kim ’ s brother , I have been privileged to watch her and Phil strive to give their children a biblical worldview for the last 30 years . RenewaNation has chosen to partner with The Collingsworth Family because they are a testimony to what results from lives surrendered to God and discipled in His truth .
For those new to the work of RenewaNation , our mission is to inspire and equip the family , church , and school to give the children in their care a biblical worldview . We have many different ministries specifically designed to help accomplish this mission , and you will read about a number of these ministries in this magazine . We have discovered that when the family , church , and school are all teaching God ’ s truth , it becomes a three-stranded cord that is not easily broken .
God is moving powerfully in the hearts and minds of parents , grandparents , pastors , and educators in our world today . A great awakening is taking place as people realize the importance of giving the children in their care a biblical worldview . Let ’ s seize this great moment and raise a new generation of young men and women who love Christ , know His Word , and are prepared to take it into every sphere of society .
If you feel led to start a Christian school , please contact us . We can walk with you through every step of the process . If you want to homeschool your children or grandchildren , we have experienced coaches waiting to help you . If you want to significantly improve the family ministry in your church or home , we have qualified coaches and many other resources to equip you .
Visit renewanation . org for more information about our biblical worldview programs and resources and to learn more about our vision to transform culture by giving millions of children a biblical worldview .
All for Jesus ,
Jeff Keaton RenewaNation Founder & CEO

We have discovered that when the family , church , and school are all teaching God ’ s truth , it becomes a three-stranded cord that is not easily broken .