The RenewaNation Review 2023-2024 The Collingsworth Family Special Edition | Page 33

Why is biblical modesty important to you ?
“ Biblical modesty is important to me because it follows God ’ s good design for us and also sets a boundary to live by that gives me peace . Living to represent Jesus is my mission in life , and modesty is a great way to do that .”
COURTNEY : “ My mom taught me the importance of modesty growing up . Modesty is more than just the way we dress but also a modest spirit . When it came to clothing , my mom always instilled in us that when selecting an outfit , we should remember that , as Christians , we are representatives of Christ . She didn ’ t say this in a burdensome way , but it was to remind us that it is a privilege to reflect Christ in our lives , even in the way we dress .”
“ I was taught growing up that our body is a temple of the Holy Spirit , and we are to glorify God not only by how we dress but also by our actions and speech ( 1 Cor . 6:19-20 ). Dressing modestly is one way that I can reflect Christ .”

It is a privilege to reflect Christ in our lives , even in the way we dress .
What about modesty is often misunderstood ?
BROOKLYN : “ Some people believe that we are forced to dress modestly based on our parents ’ wishes or maybe the church we attend . The truth is that it is simply a way to show respect to God and to myself . I choose to do that .”
“ I think sometimes it ’ s easy to think that modest means ‘ frumpy ,’ but that just simply is not the case . One of my favorite fashion icons is Kate Middleton . She dresses so femininely but also very modestly . So classy !”

How do you choose outfits for a new album or concert ?
COURTNEY : “ We usually pick a popular color palette for the season and start ordering outfits online in that color scheme . We have a big try-on session at Mom ’ s house and then return whatever we don ’ t need . Pre-pandemic , we used to go shopping ( many times ) in person , but we find it is much easier to order online these days .”