The RenewaNation Review 2023-2024 The Collingsworth Family Special Edition | Page 18

The Collingsworth Family


What are your favorite books or authors , and why ? What are you currently reading ?
PHIL : Books have always been my friends . From my earliest memories of collecting every single Hardy Boys book as a boy to spending many a relaxing afternoon on a cruise ship , sitting out on the deck enjoying a great book — books have always stretched my mind . Authors that come to mind are Jim Cymbala , James Dobson , Dr . Gary Smalley , and for fun : John Grisham and Robin Cook .
KIM : Some of my favorite authors are Jim Cymbala , Elizabeth George ( A Woman After God ’ s Own Heart ), and E . M . Bounds . I am currently reading T . M . Anderson ’ s book Prayer Availeth Much . While it is an old book , it is also very relevant , reminding me that in this day , “ the effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man ” is still effective and powerful in moving the hand of God .
BROOKLYN : These days with young kiddos have made audiobooks my best friends . I am reading With Every Breath by Elizabeth Camden as a fun read . Sitting on my side table are a couple of others I am working through : M is for Mama by Abbie Halberstadt and The Five Love Languages by Gary Chapman . I also love his version about kids too . It has helped me so much with my son Winston .
PHILLIP : I ’ ve never been much of a reader , but when I do read , some books I enjoy are historical depictions . Books that are extreme faith builders and have motivated me and my personal faith walk are Fasting by Jentezen Franklin and Fresh Wind , Fresh Fire by Jim Cymbala .
COURTNEY : I love mysteries ! I recently enjoyed the If I Run series by Terri Blackstock .
OLIVIA : Francine Rivers is one of my favorite authors . One of my favorite reads is A Distant Shore by Karen Kingsbury . ■