The RenewaNation Review 2023-2024 The Collingsworth Family Special Edition | Page 16

We sat at the kitchen counter , notebooks in hand , and began discussing the realities of our business operations — payroll , health insurance , ongoing expenses , reserves , balances on hand , income / loss , etc . When the sky turned pink over the tree line the next morning , we were still there — exploring scenarios , discussing the possible length of the quarantine , wondering what our future might hold , calling on our heavenly Father . We begged for his direction and guidance through this new , unknown world .
As the days turned into weeks and the weeks into months , we began to grasp , in a very personal way , the reassuring and unwavering truth that , “ Every morning his mercies are new !” I settled into a new routine , rising in the morning and moving , first , toward our faithful Keurig . After “ pouring ” a rich , fragrant cup of coffee , I ’ d settle into my favorite place in “ The Haven .” There , with my Bible , journal , and some rich reading materials , I ’ d gain insight and strength from their only true Source .
Somewhere , in the early weeks of our mandatory shutdown in Ohio , I began to sense that perhaps this was God ’ s timing to put my story on paper . Although I had been asked many times to write our story , I had never seriously considered it until now . My schedule would have never allowed for it anyway . One Sunday afternoon , with both immediate and some extended family gathered for a delicious Sunday dinner , talk suddenly turned toward the potential of writing this book . It seemed too sudden at first . Am I prepared ? I wondered . But as the conversation continued , it dawned
upon me that God had been preparing me for this moment for more than twenty-five years . I thought about the stacks of journals I ’ d filled since my childhood , and I remembered the strong prompting I ’ d felt all those years ago to record my thoughts and the events of my life . The journals were discussed around the table , and I was challenged to organize them — to categorize , to place them in order of sequence , to begin the process of gleaning material for the writing of my first book .
Before the day was over , a sketch of these chapters had been scribbled down . And by the time the sun rose the next morning , the marathon was on ! This was COVID . This was quarantine . This was unplanned time off which may never come my way again . Why not take full advantage of this unforeseen moment !?
Pre-COVID , I had asked the Lord , many times , for a short break ; for a rest from the constant demands of concert ministry — new record production , preparing public music presentations , maintaining a demanding schedule with twelve people and all their belongings , and juggling a hundred logistical challenges . The Lord gently reminded me that while this was an unconventional method of answering my request , he had indeed provided what I desperately needed . I felt myself begin to relax , knowing he definitely had it all under control . The fact that I was actually getting to sleep in my own bed , at home , for more nights in a row than I had in thirty-eight years , almost seemed too good to be true ! And now I had time to write .