The RenewaNation Review 2023-2024 The Collingsworth Family Special Edition | Page 10

Six Ways to Help Children Live According to God ’ s Word

By Dr . Josh Mulvihill

Parents , grandparents , and educators are responsible for teaching children to love the Bible and live according to God ’ s Word . Most parents teach children to ride bikes , maintain automobiles , and manage money . Yet , few parents train children in the vital discipline of daily reading and meditating on God ’ s Word .

Biblical illiteracy is high , moral relativism is common , and doctrinal confusion is widespread because many Christians have never been taught how to have a quiet time and don ’ t read the Bible . God ’ s commands to “ daily meditate ” on His Word ( Ps . 1:2 ) and to “ hide God ’ s Word in our heart ” ( Ps . 119:11 ) apply to adults and children . We cannot live according to God ’ s ways if we do not know God ’ s Words . Here are six ways to help your children develop a love for God ’ s Word .