The RenewaNation Review 2022 Volume 14 Issue 2 | Page 31

come to you in sheep ’ s clothing , but inwardly they are ferocious wolves ” ( Matt . 7:15 ). Shepherds have a responsibility to address false doctrine , distortions of the truth , and erroneous teachings . Sheep are vulnerable creatures . They easily wander , which is why protection is critical for shepherds . We are to be like David , who fought the lion and bear ( 1 Sam . 17:34-36 ), and the apostle Paul , who addressed false doctrine and sin in the church .
5 . Gather the sheep . If a sheep goes astray , a shepherd must make every attempt to go after it . God gathers His people . He leaves the ninety-nine to find the one . God has given shepherds essential tools . Shepherds have the staff and rod for discipline and defense . They have a voice so that sheep may know and follow . They have fences to keep sheep from wandering .
God ’ s call to shepherds is to pay careful attention to their flock . If shepherding is something leaders are called to do , it is important to have a well-considered strategy to accomplish the task . Do you have a plan to shepherd your flock ? Is there a system so that you do not miss people ? Is it comprehensive to include all those under your care ? Is there training for leaders so they know how to shepherd ?
Consider which category each sheep falls into . Healthy sheep : Regularly attend worship , minister to others in some way , and seek to live in obedience to Christ and the Bible . Weak sheep : Attend worship but do not serve . They may have absorbed worldly ideas or priorities other than Christ . Their main concern is limited to themselves , or they may have relationship struggles that prevent fruitful ministry . Stray sheep : Are uninvolved in ministry and have sporadic attendance . They pursue sin or make foolish choices . Lost sheep : Have forsaken the church and Christ and have wandered away . Inactive sheep : They would like to be active but cannot . This could include the elderly , college students , or someone who is sick .
Shepherding must be relational . We must know our sheep and have the smell of sheep on our hands . The business of the shepherd leader is the sheep . May it be reflected in how we operate in ministry . ■
Dr . Josh Mulvihill is the Executive Director of Church and Family Ministry at RenewaNation . He served as a pastor for nearly 20 years , serves on the board of Awana , and helps to provide leadership to the Christian Grandparent Network . He holds a Ph . D . from the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary . He is the author of Biblical Grandparenting , Preparing Children for Marriage , Biblical Worldview , and 50 Things Every Child Needs to Know Before Leaving Home . Josh is married to Jen , and they have five children . Josh blogs at GospelShaped Family . com .
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